Sunday, May 9, 2010

International St. John Day Mass CPR for Public 2010

"Save A Life" Mass CPR 2010

In conjunction with the International St. John Day, Kluang St. John Ambulance is going to conduct a Public CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) Talk & Training on June 27, 2010 (Sunday) at Kluang Mall ground floor, time from 2pm ~ 5pm, our professional first aiders and trainer will not only teach the theory, public will also have a very great experience to practise and master this crucial life save skill, please make yourself available to attend this yearly activity, waiting to see you there!

为配合世界圣约翰日,马来西亚圣约翰救伤队将主办一个全国性的心肺复苏法急救讲座会,而居銮区圣约翰救伤队也将于6月27日于居銮广场(Kluang Mall)主办是项急救讲座会给于公众,时间是从下午2时至5时,公众除了可以学习到心肺复苏法的知识同时还可以亲自实习模拟操作,我们的指导员将非常乐意协助您掌握此急救的技巧,有兴趣学习者请踊跃出席,入场免费,我们期盼您的到来。

Phone enquiry: 016-710 8007

Sunday, May 2, 2010

SJAM Kluang Area hit another record in Johor State First Aid & Home Nursing Competition 2010

25 April 2010, this is a very meaningful day to St. John Ambulance Kluang as our teams have won numbers of medal in the state level first aid & home nursing competition, especially our Ambulance Cadet team is the overall 3rd place winner in this competition.

Meanwhile our Nursing Cadet team was also obtained a good results in both "Short Case" & "Drill" and won over the 3rd place for Kluang Area in these 2 sub-categories.

The Johor State First Aid & Home Nursing Competition is an annually event which conducted by St. John Ambulans Negeri Johor, this year the competition was held at Yong Peng Chong Hwa High School on 25 April 2010, total had eight Area including Kluang sent more than 20 teams to this competition, the Champion team will represent Johor State St. John to compete in the National Competition later on mid year of 2010. Through the competition, it create a platform and opportunity for the first aiders to learn and emulate each other and enable our technique and knowledge keep improving.

Our result details:
Ambulance Cadet - Overall 3rd place winner, sub-category - 2nd in Drill & 3rd in Short Case.
Nursing Cadet - 3rd in Drill as well as in Short Case categories.