Education and Recruitment


"服务人群" 是我们的宗旨,我们提供医药服务于弱势的个人及群体,并不以种族,肤色,宗教来区分。除了急救服务,我们也致力于教导公众掌握急救技巧及正确的急救知识,我们的目标是希望每户家庭都能有一位急救员,同时我们也希望能够培育出更多的人们成为合格的急救员来为社区提供急救服务,造福人群。


SJAM Training Section
The training section of the St. John Ambulans Malaysia is reponsible to ensure the standard of First Aid and Home Nursing among the members of the organisation and to standardise the teaching of First Aid and Home Nursing knowledge and skills. It is responsible for all First Aid and Home Nursing courses conducted by the States, Regions and Areas for members of St. John Ambulans Malaysia and for members/staffs of other organisations, industrial and commercial concerns and government departments.

Course Syllabus (2006)

Essential First Aid Course Syllabus
2. Recording Pulse Rate
3. Management of Wounds & Bleeding (I)
4. Dressings & Bandages
5. Management of Wounds & Bleeding (II)
6. Management of Bruises
7. Shock
8. Difficulty Breathing
9. Choking
10. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
11. Injuries to Bones (I)
12. Injuries to Bones (II)
13. Injuries to Bones (III)
14. Injuries to Soft Tissues
15. Unconscious Casualty
16. Burns & Scalds
17. Poisoning
18. Eye, Ear & Nose Injuries
19. Lifting & Moving of Casualty
20. Evaluation

Basic First Aid Course Syllabus
1. First Aid Priority
2. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for Lay Rescuer
3. Difficulty Breathing
4. Loss of Consciousness
5. Recording Pulse Rate
6. Management of Wounds and Bleeding (I)
7. Dressings & Bandages
8. Management of Wounds & Bleeding (II)
9. Management of Internal Bleeding & Shock
10. Injuries to Bones (I)
11. Injuries to Bones (II)
12. Injuries to Bones (III)
13. Injuries to Soft Tissues
14. Medical Emergencies
15. Burns & Scalds
16. Poisoning
17. Eye, Ear and Nose Injuries
18. Miscellaneous
19. Lifting & Handling of Casualty
20. Evaluation

Advanced First Aid  Course Syllabus
1. Assessment and Management Trauma Casualty
2. Airway Management and Oxygen Administration
3. Advanced Resuscitation
4. Medical Emergencies
5. Sports Injuries and Emergencies
6. Triage
7. Action at an Emergency
8. First Aider and Communicable Diseases
9. Emergency Child Birth
10. Communication and Reports
11. Emotionally Disturbed Casualty
12. Preventive First Aid
13.Air Rescue

(Advanced First Aid Skill)
1. Airway Management
2. Oxygen Administration
3. Choking - Adult
4. Choking - Infant
5. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for Health Care Providers - 1 rescuer CPR for adult
6. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for Health Care Providers - 1 rescuer CPR for infant
7. Management of Spinal Injury
8. Oral Communication Skills